J. de Vries, Learn OpenGL: Learn modern OpenGL graphics programming in a step-by-step fashion, wersja online: https://learnopengl.com/
M.Dunsky, G.Szauer, C++ Game Animation Programming - Learn modern animation techniques from theory to implementation using C++, OpenGL, and Vulkan, Pack 2023.
- R. Parent, Animacja komputerowa. Algorytmy i techniki, PWN 2011.
- A. Watt, M. Watt, Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques, Addison-Wesley 1992.
- J. Matulewski, T. Dziubak, M. Sylwestrzak, R. Płoszajczak, Grafika. Fizyka. Metody numeryczne. Symulacje fizyczne z wizualizacją 3D, PWN 2010.
- K. Erleben, J. Sporring, K. Henriksen and H. Dohlmann, Physics Based Animation, Charles River
Media 2006
- D.H. Eberly, Game Physics, Second Edition, Morgan Kaufmann 2010.
- N. Lever, Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++, Focal Press 2002.
- E. Lengye, Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition, Course Technology 2012.
- C. Ericson, Real-Time Collision Detection, Morgan Kaufmann 2005.